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September 2024 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Help people set goals

Help people set goals

Every day as a partner and coach I have the opportunity to help people set goals. Maybe you’ve tried before but fallen short. I want to help you. The secret to building great momentum in life is to start small with the simple stuff. I was reading 15 Invaluable Laws of...
Not having very much fun

Not having very much fun

I used to be so serious with many things in life. My kids, my wife, my work, my business venture until I noticed that I was not having very much fun. I want to share this because there are people out there, perhaps you or somebody that you know that might benefit from...
Stuck in the past

Stuck in the past

You’ve worked smart and hard for a few years and leading the #4 team of sales in your entire company and eating an incredible meal in Tuscany Italy overlooking the countryside. You’ve become a “celebrity” in this small eco system of Beachbody and you’re at the top of...
Being smart with your money

Being smart with your money

“Dude THIS is what I want!” That’s what a good friend and local business owner exclaimed to me when we walked through our current home build together. That statement led to a long conversation about living below your means and being smart with your money, which is...