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January 2011 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |

Gaining Weight

November 7th 154lbs—————————January 29th 170lbsI have heard people say that P90X is not good for everyone because it is just a program that makes you burn off a lot of water weight with high intensity...
Commit To Be Fit!

Commit To Be Fit!

Decide now to be fit.  I don’t care which program you use. Just commit yourself to something. It will change your life.  I am still not sure which program I will use for the next little while when I finish this round of P90X in under 2 weeks, but I guarantee you...

I never knew she had it!

So last night Kina is telling me at my parents that she wants to do some pull-ups.  I told her , “they don’t have a pull up bar you can’t do them.”  This upset her a little  and I realized she wanted to do push ups.   So she...

Bench Press

When I started working out in May of 2010 I weighed in at just over 180lbs. My max bench press was 135 lbs.  I know, WEAK.  I had met a couple of goals on the bench press but came to a plateau where I was stuck for 3 months with out raising my max...