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September 2020 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Don’t give up my friend. Have you ever had that feeling the disciples of Christ probably felt before He came along, especially the story of fishing? Peter was the BEST fisherman there was. “I’ve worked all night and come up with an empty net?”...

I Know You’re Busy

I always get this comment. “ I know you’re busy but” I think it’s a huge misconception that does a couple things. 1st, Those going after their goals think that they need to be extremely busy in order to be successful. 2nd, Those that are already “busy” have a great...
Overcoming Fears

Overcoming Fears

Overcoming fears and hard-core self love. I’m going to keep this short and Drop some serious love on Lyndsey Livingston for everything she’s accomplished in the past year. A few years ago her coach quit his Beachbody business, (I had Lyndsey at a team dinner of his in...

Support and Accountability in your Health and Fitness Journey

Have I ever mentioned how much I love seeing the progress in our support group the Dynasty Strong Virtual gym? This is Emmanuel, He and his wife Karen show up and tag me in their workouts, often with friends and family in a group workout daily on Instagram stories. I...
Come Back to Beachbody Coaching

Come Back to Beachbody Coaching

“I made enough this month to cover our entire mortgage” When Melissa and I chatted 5 months ago about her desire to re-sign up as a Team Beachbody coach and come back to Beachbody Coaching. I asked her WHY. She told me that she has always believed in the workouts, the...