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I Know You’re Busy| Are Leaders really busy?

I always get this comment. “ I know you’re busy but” I think it’s a huge misconception that does a couple things. 1st, Those going after their goals think that they need to be extremely busy in order to be successful. 2nd, Those that are already “busy” have a great desire to build a business or something that can help them create more time freedom and/ or pay off debt but Don’t believe they will have enough time because of their “busy-ness”.

I used to fall in the second category. I held off from becoming a coach and starting to build my business for eight months thinking that I was too busy. I was working 12 hour days/ 5 days a week, every Saturday shift, and my wife worked the night shift meaning that when I came home from that 12 hour shift I had three little girls to take care of under the age of five by myself. I mean how can I possibly build a business? The day came where my desire to live a more elevated life where I can come home from work to spend the evening with my wife and my kids became my dream and burning desire. It’s funny how the excuses immediately flew out the door that day. ..The activities that I do daily to create a successful business like the one we have take me 2-3 hours. Those are the vital Business building and income producing activities. I do those things every day no matter what. Let’s get back to the busy part. Most leaders spend more time by themselves and with their thoughts then actually doing the work. Right now I’m sitting in a hot Epsom bath after a 10 minute Meditation. That meditation gave birth to these thoughts that I’m sharing with you now. I’m going to work a solid one hour after I leave this Epson bath. I’ll do one phone call at noon. And then I have a 90 minute deep tissue massage the end of my day before the kids come. Once the kids are here I will do homework with them and then pack my bags and head out to hunt for two days with my dad. I’ll spend hours in a tree stand and also walking through the woods. Those are where my great ideas come from when I’m alone with my thoughts. Not when I’m busy doing a bunch of useless activities. I stay focused for those few hours and do only the things that will move my business and life forward. ..So my invitation is to scroll less. My invitation is to be less busy. Work on growing yourself and planting seeds of growth and other people by building solid relationships and encouraging them to grow along with you.

Time Management made when I was just off full-time work hours in my career