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Overcoming Fears and Self Love |

Overcoming fears and hard-core self love. I’m going to keep this short and Drop some serious love on Lyndsey Livingston for everything she’s accomplished in the past year. A few years ago her coach quit his Beachbody business, (I had Lyndsey at a team dinner of his in Canada back in 2015) Lyndsey had the option to stop her dreams as well but she reached out and pushed forward.

Overcoming fears

Proud Volunteer Firefighter (and something extra cool, first female in history to be on the team) I am learning everyday and doing things during practice and calls I never thought I was capable of!

Learning to fully release other people’s judgement and expectations. Having hard conversations. Healing on a whole new level. Releasing trauma. Embracing my spiritual side and sharing my gifts. Being authentically me…beautifully emotional, real, raw, rare, smile is bigger and my laugh can be ridiculous. I fully love who I am and will never lose my worth ever again.

Making hard decisions that I know were needed. Releasing my Esthetic business was beyond scary but equally freeing. Free to move forward, free to try new things and pursue a career I’ve always wanted as a first responder. I am no longer ashamed or fearful of failure. I embrace it and know it’s a huge part of growth and levelling up.

Dating…I was fearful of putting myself out there and at one point convinced myself I am meant to be single, I’m good on my own. Dating is hard af and can be confusing. I made the decision to truly make the effort to meet someone. It wasn’t easy, I really wasn’t sure where it would lead to and I am grateful I checked off this fear…it took me on a journey to get to know myself even more, what I truly value in a partner and after being single for so many years …he is definitely worth the wait. Smiles are bigger these days.

Coaching! Making the decision to go all in, branch out and create something that is much needed in this industry. I was fearful to pursue a business in the health and fitness world, I had a lot of limiting beliefs! This year I bet on myself and took a big leap of faith. By the end of the year I will be a certified Personal Trianer, Nutrition expert and Holistic Wellness Life coach. I am now a certified Master UPF coach as well. I am so excited to see where this takes my business, the women it will help along their health and happiness journey and it was equally exciting to create a logo for Team Fitness Besties and print it on decals and tank tops! So fricken excited!

75 Hard challenge was not only tough but mentally challenging. It led me to an opportunity to have my own coaching sessions with Jay Tiegs. Working with Jay was absolutely amazing and a total game changer. Out of my comfort, hard conversation, tasks with a deadline and an opportunity to dream and create without limits.

Ended this journey climbing a mountain! What a challenge and incredible experience. At one point I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it but I knew in my heart I could, and I did. The views and having a partner to challenge and encourage me made the experience and my birthday amazing. Although this journey was definitely for me. To find out what I am capable of, to understand myself more and truly know what my fears are. I feel like I am a better mama, more understanding, excited for our future and equally excited to continue to be a role model for my son. To show him life has no limits and what it’s like to go after your dreams. Don’t be afraid of fear, embrace it! Make fear your friend. Choose joy and love over anxiety. Calm your mind and decide every single day to move forward, get EXCITED about life. You have one life…one! How will you choose to live yours?