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Comparing Ourselves- Why it's important to stop comparing

Comparing Ourselves
comparing, ourselves,

All this life should be is you trying to be better than YOU. It’s not about comparing ourselves or picking ourselves apart. If we re even just a tiny bit better than the day before we will have succeeded. Forget what we see on tv, billboards, in magazines, on the media telling us how they think we should be, or look, or dress, setting standards that only photoshop could achieve, forget admiring the highlight reels you see in Facebook, forget the “perfect” family at church because honestly there is no perfect. What you see may not always be what you get so forget comparing yourself. These pictures were taken one day apart, they are the same girl, me. I could’ve showed you my highlight reel on the left and left it at that but I also want to show you the picture on the right because that also is me, the honest and true me, stripped down and vulnerable and guess what I love ALL of me❤️🙏🏽– Gabby Hobbs