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Feeling Overwhelmed - 4 Steps to Find Peace

Feeling Overwhelmed


“If you find yourself a bit irritated or overwhelmed, It’s a sign that you’re spending less time with GOD and more time with this world.”

There are 4 basic fundamentals or principles that can help us always be at a peace of mind. If we can learn to live be these fundamentals and not by our feelings, we can find happiness in our lives. A great example of this was Moses.
1. Who am I?
2. What do I really want to be?
3. What is really important in life?
4. How am I going to live?
Whether you are young, old, or somewhere in-between you’ll have to deal with these fundamental issues in life. If you can learn how to deal with these issues and settle them in your mind about who you are and what you stand for then you will begin to find real peace of mind despite what goes on around you or what the opinions of others are about who YOU are. You will learn how to be calm in the storm, strong under stress, and how to have peace under pressure.
I challenge you and myself to take 5-10 minutes every morning to ask ourselves those 4 questions above. Are you in with me?

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