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Highest Rank in Beachbody- 15 Star Diamond Coach

Highest Rank in Beachbody

15 Star Diamond Coach

Brigitte Linford


Last night Gabby and I had the opportunity to go out and watch our kids perform along with Brigitte and Jayson Linford.  We feel very blessed to know this amazing couple that God brought into our lives through Team Beachbody. Today Brigitte has reached the HIGHEST RANK in Beachbody which is 15 Star Diamond or otherwise known as a Super Star Diamond.  There are less than 20 Super Star Diamonds in the whole company.  It all started just over two years ago when Brigitte decided to try Shakeology to break her plateau with running. After a couple of months using Shakeology she knew that she wanted to get a 25% discount on it as a coach so she signed up and committed to furthering her transformation and using her story to help others. I remember going to her home to help her get started and I could see and sense the excitement as she began to set goals.  She decided she would hit Success Club 10 every month.highest_rank_in_beachbody_15_star *I want to share with you something that she helped ME with as a brand new coach of 6 days. I knew from this moment that she had what it took to help others see their potential and to act on their dreams and goals ( and I hope she doesn’t get mad at me for sharing) At this time when Brigitte signed up as a coach I was thinking about leaving my full-time job and I had been a coach for just over 1 year. I had fears and she sensed that it me. As a BRAND new coach Brigitte wrote me and I have it copied here below for you to see how she helped lead even me as her sponsor coach.

“I just wanted you to know that I know you can do it. I KNOW it because you have the kind of positive energy that will attract whatever you need to accomplish your goals and be even more successful. It’s that same positive energy that brought me to you and I’m gonna get you at least one star pretty quickly here and it’s just gonna snowball. More and more people will just pop up out of no where because they have been drawn to you…. others will see people like you and me succeed and they will be inspired to change and commit. I look at the coaches I’ve met Monday and Tuesday and I am so excited for them because I know they are gonna be motivated by my success and start reaching their OWN goals and be completely stoked about THEIR success and then they will start attracting other people who are ready and prepared to change and it’s just gonna be awesome. Like so freaking awesome.
I look back at my life the past couple years, and in specific the past year, and it’s so obvious to me God was preparing me for this job. Like, my whole life I have been learning different things about myself and given the opportunity to overcome challenges and struggles so I can be ready and prepared to help people change their lives. I know I’m gonna have the opportunity to inspire others and I’m so excited to hear their stories and share mine. I talked to two different friends tonight after fitclub about Shakeology and it was such a wonderful reminder to me of my WHY. One of my friends starting crying as she shared her story with me and I was so touched. I want everyone to see that they have a greater potential than they could ever comprehend. I know I do and I know those around me do as well. It’s so exciting to be a part of something where we can help people SEE that about themselves.”

We are so proud of you Brigitte and Jayson for everything that has and is happening in you life. Retiring your Jayson from 2 full time jobs, moving to Arizona, taking your team to the Top 10 of the company, and now 15 Star the highest rank in Beachbody which less than 20 coaches have ever achieved. You are a blessing to thousands of people Brigitte.  May God continue to lead you and your team to greater things.

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