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How to make your family feel special

How to make your family feel special in our times


I know that many people in life feel OVERWHELMED. This is me. You wake up and see many notifications on your phone, the laundry is stacking, there are dishes, and you have to get kids fed and off to school. Something that really has helped me is to have my phone on silent and to not answer it. Our choice to answer a text or a phone call in that moment is one of the FEW things that we have control over. Just know that with text and answering machines it’s not as important as it used to be to answer right away. In most cases you can call somebody back when it is most convenient.


I want to show you how to make your family feel more special.

Answering the phone during family time will send a VERY hurtful message to your entire family and is in fact a big disrespect. The message that you are portraying to your spouse or those little ones is that “it’s more important for me to answer this call from a stranger than it is for me to be here with you right now” This scares me.

Next time you are playing with your children or with your significant other I want you to look at each other when the phone buzzes or rings and look them in the eye and say “that can’t be more important than interrupting our time together right now”

My business requires me to be on the phone or internet so I know that this decision does not come easily at all. There will be many times that you are tempted to respond right away but make the choice not to.