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Peter the Fisherman - How does this relate today?

Peter the Fisherman

How does this relate to US today?

Have you ever had that feeling that the disciples of Christ probably felt before He came along, especially the story of fishing? Peter was the BEST fisherman there was.
“I’ve worked all night and come up with an empty net?”

Does this describe how you feel or perhaps even your attitude about your marriage, a personal problem, or perhaps even your business or job?  Do you feel like maybe you haven’t see the progress that you have wanted to see? Maybe you have even said to yourself, ” What’s the use?” “Why keep trying” “Why put in all of this effort?”
When we do this we sometimes get a little bitter about life and what goes on around us. It’s interesting how God uses the lives of others to teach us lessons that can be applied to our lives today. Peter didn’t get bitter or cynical to the Lord or his life. He didn’t say, “Lord, I’ve worked ten hours and didn’t catch a single FISH!!! There must be NO MORE FISH in this water.” Peter knew that there were fish in that water, he had just not caught them yet.
Just because you haven’t achieved your goal or solved the problem that you are facing right now in Peter-the-fishermanyour life at this moment doesn’t mean that a solution does not exist. It’s always through failure that we learn life’s greatest lessons that will help us to succeed in this life. The lesson I believe that we can learn from Peter in this story is simple, “Don’t Give Up” Always try again , but this time do it with Jesus in your boat. He will make all of the difference. God wants to bless your life but not only that, he wants to bless you so much that you have to SHARE your blessing with others to keep you from sinking. He wants to bless other people through you, people who’s nets are empty.