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Team Picnic | Dynasty Strong Super Saturday|

Team Picnic

You’re reading this post today and you WANT to help MORE people. You’re feeling like you’re capped out at what you can do with your job but don’t have the ability to leave. I get it and I don’t want you to leave.
I want YOU to know that they you can make a DIFFERENCE in the lives of THOUSANDS of people starting today.  This is a picture from our team picnic after our event yesterday after about 2/3 of the local team left.

team picnic, team lunch, lds beachbody coach mormon beachbody coach, lds team beachbody, dynasty strong

But HOW do I make the different in lives of thousands?

The Ripple Effect.
There is a theory that shares that our attitudes and behaviors don’t only infect the people we interact with directly like our co-workers, family, and friends.
Our influence actually appears to reach people within 3 degrees.
When you change some simple daily habits to become more healthy, full of purpose, and HAPPIER you are unconsciously helping to shape the behavior of an incredibly LARGE number of people.

team picnic, super saturday, scottie hobbs, dynasty strong

For most of us there are nearly 1,000 people within 3 degrees of us.
This means at the LEAST you directly have the ability to help influence the lives of at least 1,000 people through your example and behaviors.
Think about that. JUST YOU have that ability. It will take time but YOU influence that many people.
Now imagine once you can teach somebody else to take the same actions as you.
They have a reach of 1,000 people.
Some of those people will do the same and could reach 1,000 more people.
We’re building a legacy and my friend, if you’re a hard worker, love to find solutions, want to have fun, and leave a legacy.
We want you as a member of Dynasty Strong. I’m taking applications HERE

This past weekend was, what we call in our world a Super Saturday Event here in Salt Lake City, Utah.  These events happen all across the world where coaches get together to celebrate success with mind, body, spirit, and financial transformations.  If you want to know how to attend one, please just send me an email at and I will answer any question that you have. Yesterday we had the opportunity to speak at the Super Saturday event with the Co founder of our Billion Dollar heath and fitness company. Jon Congdon who shared an amazing story of the birth of this company 20 years ago and the projection of where we will continue to grow over the next 20 years.  We also heard a special 30 minute message from Brigitte Linford, who I sponsored onto this team in 2012, who is a Super Star diamond, leads an amazing team, and is a member of the million club..  After the speeches we had the opportunity to do a 30 minute Liift4 workout together as a group.  There is something powerful about being in a room with 200 people and struggling through a workout together.  The part I loved best though was having our team Dynasty strong come over to our home for a team picnic and get together.  I love our community and the people that are a part of this journey with us. If you believe you are strong enough, fill out the form below the videos.

team picnic, dynasty strong, best beachbody team

We are super excited for Kristina who came as a guest to our Super Saturday event and our team picnic and then later shared these thoughts above on her Social Media.  Remember, our mission is “Empowering others to continually develop into their fullest potential.”