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What is Team Beachbody Really About? The Truth

 What is Team Beachbody Really About?


So I started reading Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover” and he talks about making sure that you have $1000 set aside for emergency money. If you are anything like I was just 3.5 years ago, that was something that seemed SOOOO Impossible to do. But realistically, I think he said that 84% of us will have an emergency crisis in the next 10 years and will need to have money set aside to take care of this without using credit. I know that is something I DID NOT HAVE. I always wondered how I could get ahead of living pay check to pay check to make this happen.

Now let’s switch over to another topic. So what is Team Beachbody really about?  I know you hear about me talking about Team Beachbody often. WHY? Because how cool is it that Team Beachbody is PAYING 25% commissions to people that use their products and refer them? I mean SERIOUSLY. We as humans recommend things all the time. Movies, churches, books, restaurants, stores. and and the list goes on and on. Why not recommend something that almost ALL OF US NEED?

*Better health
*Better mindset
*Positive Influences
*Less debt
*People that encourage us

Maybe you have a GREAT job. Maybe you LOVE your job. That is OKAY! We have coaches that are Lawyers, MD’s, Waitresses, School Teachers, Nurses, Professional Atheletes, Professional Dancers, traditional Business owners, Stay at Home Mom’s and ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF. Being a coach doesn’t mean that you have to leave a full time job or change your career. It means that you get to focus on being healthier, being more positive, and adding value to other people. You get to give them tools that can help them change their life. There is NOTHING more amazing then seeing a High School friend at 100 lbs LESS than he was just 6 months ago. It’s not about the $40 commission I made from selling him a challenge pack and the $30 I earn every month that he orders his Shakeology. Its the rewarding feeling of seeing him run around with his kids and seeing him with a BIG smile on his face as he is more confident and excited about life.

The commissions…What about those? Should you feel bad about selling a product? NOT IF YOU USE IT AND BELIEVE IN IT. Beachbody can keep all the commissions OR give it to you because YOU are the one that advertised it for them. Its cheaper than creating, producing, and airing infomercials. Take those commissions and put them in a retirement fund, save for your kids college, create your nest egg, make an emergency fund of $1000 dollars. Take care of that thing that FRIGHTENS you when you sleep so you don’t have to worry anymore.

Team Beachbody is estimated to paying out over 73 Million Dollars in commissions to their coaches in the last 3 months of this year. One of my mentors and a fellow Idahoan Farm boy named Jim Rohn always says about network marketing. “I’m working full-time on my job, but working part-time on my fortune.”

Don’t be afraid of what you don’t understand. Once you can embrace this you can begin to change the things that worry you the most. Those things that keep you from falling asleep a night because you don’t have an answer. We fear things that we don’t understand. If you are looking to be a part of something BIGGER than you. If you have always known inside that you were meant to do something significant with your life. Please don’t be afraid to private message me so I can share with you what it is that a coach does.


“This is probably one of the most embarrassing picture I have ever taken but I want to share my testimonial with you guys.

On the picture of the left was taken last year back when I attempted a bulking phase and the only thing I managed to bulk was my gut and my hair lol. After failing, I started losing sight of goals, ate whatever came across my face, started living the easy average life.

It came to the point where I started to feel tired all the time, insecure, depressed and had little confidence within myself. I became someone who I did not love and knew I was in need for a change and so I did!!

It wasn’t easy at all. I had to completely change my lifestyle around if I wanted to succeed. With the help of home Beachbody  programs (p90x, p90x2, body beast etc) and shakeology, I managed to get my life back on the right track by feeling more confident, happy, full of energy and having a higher self esteem!

But the best part of the transformation is the mindset I developed. I see the world differently then I did before and now I see that nothing in life is impossible. Nothing is impossible. You can become and do anything you want.

Thank you beachbody for helping me change my life.”   Alejandro Medina (My newest Team Beachbody Coach)