Celebrate every success. Your happiness is going to be found in the journey and not in some end destination. I want you to do an activity today in your life where you take time to acknowledge how far you’ve come and celebrate all of your wins. Success does not equal happiness. All of the achievements that I’ve been able to accomplish in my life are not what makes me happy. It is the journey to achieve them that does.
I want you to learn to be present in the moment. When you hit a goal, I want you to celebrate it.
Instead of thinking, well what’s next? I want to take a moment and soak it in. Don’t be so concerned in the end goal that you don’t enjoy all the little wonderful achievements on your way to your ultimate goal.
I’m going to give you something I learned from Dr. Ivan Joseph. He creates a brag list when he he’s going to do a new situation or trying for a new job- a list to remind himself how powerful he truly is.

It’s called the BRAG technique.
It stands for Big Results, Accomplishments, and Goals.
Here’s the activity you’re going to do to create your brag list.
“Write down everything from junior high to high school, college, and beyond, reminding yourself of what you’ve already done. Maybe you feel like you haven’t done anything in a while, but even high school or college accomplishment. Getting promoted recently at work. Finally taking that trip you always dreamed about. Starting a side hustle business. Don’t take any success for granted. This will boost your confidence and you’ll remember just how capable you are.”
I want to help celebrate you as well. What’s something big you’ve accomplished in your life? I would love to see it in the comments.
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