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Consistency definitely pays off- Fighting fibromyalgia

Consistency definitely pays off

Angela Gregory

results may vary

I want to take a minute this morning to show you an example of how consistency definitely pays off.  Angela has been working hard on her transformation despite her fibromyalgia and has found that she is building strength and flexibility. I am so proud of her example not only to her challengers but also to our entire team of Beachbody Coaches.  Remember that in order to make changes in your life, it’s important that you make a true decision and they work daily to manage that choice and realize that it takes one small step in the right direction every single day.


Have results with a Beachbody workout and want to learn how to become a coach? 

I was tired of feeling tired and dragged down, always low on energy. I had worked out on and off in the past and knew that, plus a healthy diet, was the only remedy. I have fibromyalgia but I refused to let it have me!

How do you feel NOW vs before you started? I feel 100% better! I have energy I didn’t have before. I still have my off days (with some brain fog and low energy) but it’s not to the extreme it was before. I was, thankfully, never to the point that I was unable to work, but some days were just hard to get through. I may feel a little sluggish and take some extra time to get going on my down days, but now I’m always able to get going, my mind is clearer. I don’t have the constant aches I had before. Most days, any muscle pain is due to soreness from workouts and results in ultimately feeling better. There’s a difference! You have to be willing to push yourself to find that line between fibro pain and regular workout soreness. That was something I was willing to do. I’m stronger and am able to move my body with no effort, whereas before I actually had days it was hard to just move one foot in front of another. My confidence is much higher! I feel better, my clothes fit better, and I can actually see it in my progress pics!

 Why will you always continue this journey and encourage others? I’ve seen too many results and have experienced too much good, inside and out, to turn back now! It’s paying off and it’s not something I’m willing to stop. Why stop something that’s working so well? I want others to experience the same thing. So many people resign themselves to a less than happy life and give up on themselves way too easily. I’m not willing to just sit back and watch that when I know it can be different. If it’s worked for me and helped me improve my overall quality of life, it can and will do the same for anyone else who chooses it.

“I knew I was feeling results and thought, maybe, I was even seeing results. But I had no idea just how much until I saw the pics side by side.  The first pic is from March, after a couple of years of not working out. I was tired of feeling tired and achy and decided it was time for a change. I started with Shakeology and quickly added Piyo to build some strength and flexibility (I felt it was best for my fibromyalgia) and then moved onto Brazil Butt Lift. The second pic was taken a couple weeks prior to completing Brazil Butt Lift. I just completed week 5 (of 12) of ChaLean Extreme. It took me some time to find my momentum and stick to a schedule. I’ve been able to do that with this last program. I think, in part, because I’ve found a program that fits me and my preferences. I’m anxious to see what kind of results I’ll have in 7 weeks!
Obviously any working out is better than none (there are some small visible differences in the first two pics) but consistency definitely pays off! I see as much, if not more, progress between the last two pics (only 7 weeks apart) than the first two (5 months apart.) The trick is to just get started and continue to move forward!”