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I Am Team Beachbody Amber Lindquist Marshall Beachbody Coach Success Story

Amber Lindquist Marshall – I Am Team Beachbody

Once upon a time I would sit in my car just to escape the day. (Sometimes I still need a car moment, I mean come on, kids will do that to you). But these car moments were different, I was unhappy with the way I looked & felt & ACTED as a mom. My energy and focus were all over the place; and all the while, my husband was married to grad school. In short, I felt alone.

That’s when I drew the first LINE in the sand and started working on me. It seemed selfish at first, spending money on shakeology while we were in school and taking time away from chores & kids to do my workouts.

But after the first 3 months, I noticed a few things:

I had more energy, more focus. My loneliness was being replaced with joy through a community of women cheering me on every day. My clothing was fitting again, the way it was meant to.

And.. I was PROUD of myself. I showed up every day, which was dang hard. But the power of nutrition and exercises (that WORK) showed me what my body was really capable of.

And I was a BETTER wife and MOM.

That’s when I drew the line in the sand even DEEPER. I had to talk about this with other people. Why wouldn’t I want this for my friends too?! And I sure as heck knew I’d NEVER walk away. It was just too much of a game changer.

—> Enter coaching.

Yes, I’ve been blessed in many ways from this opportunity, but the greatest benefit is being part of THIS company and part of a TEAM.

Early mornings, during nap time, and just before bed, I get to STEP OUTSIDE my everyday and be part of something that truly changes lives. Like, for REAL, changes lives. Physically, mentally, financially.

I’ve witnessed it over and over and OVER. I promise, taking care of you MATTERS. Being part of a positive community MATTERS.

In short, YOU MATTER. And that’s why I coach.

Be kind to zealous coaches inviting you to join them and appreciate the guts it really takes to post sweaty selfies and transformation photos online. Believe it or not, it’s for YOU.

Because my LINE in the sand runs deep.

Do you have results with Team Beachbody workouts and want to become a Team Beachbody Coach?