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Living in Excellence- Exceeding Expectations

Living in Excellence


I was on a video conference last night with 20 individuals who are fired up about life and their goals for their own health and fitness along with goals to better their financial situation. This is a quote that stuck out to me from Jim Rohn that I felt compelled to share with them. “You can’t have a million dollar dream with a Minimum wage work ethic.” We live in a day where mediocrity is the norm. So many people do just enough to get by, in fact they do as little as we possibly can to get by in life. We don’t take pride in our work or in who we are. I have seen it at almost every job I have ever been in: If somebody is watching we perform one way, but when nobody is watching there are corners cut and we take the easy way out.
If we are not careful, we can be pulled into this mentality of not giving our best. We can begin to believe it’s okay to show up late and give enough just to get by.

I want to challenge each and everyone of us to live in a spirit of EXCELLENCE. We are not blessed by just doing enough to get by, God blesses excellence. A quote that was at the top of my old blog I had when I first became a business owner said, ” Do more than expected, and get better than excepted results” This is something I was taught by my Mom and Dad when they taught me that if I was going to do something that I should do it right the first time. This was a teaching by their example about living with excellence. When you have a spirit of excellence and you do your best even when nobody is watching, you will go the extra mile and do more than you have to. God will bless your life even more.

Because it is the norm to live in mediocracy and expect results before activity this day in age, I am challenging you to not be like everybody else at your job. You should be the model employee where your manager or boss should be able to say to the new employees that join the company something like this, “Watch him. Learn from him. Learn those habits that she does, Develop those skills that she has. Follow in her footsteps.” You be that person that works hard and expects nothing in return except the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing the best that you can and living with excellence.

So how do you begin this if you are not this person now? Begin now to exceed expectations. Show up 10 minutes early. Do more than is asked of you. Don’t start shutting down 30 minutes early. Put in a FULL DAY. If you are a Team Beachbody Coach, read more personal development books, reach out to more people, help more people whether you can benefit financially or not. Add more value to those around you. Work hard. It’s hard when many of us have never been business owners and have lived in the mindset of I am just going to do enough to not get fired. Ask yourself at the end of the day, did I do enough that if I had a boss I would be promoted or would I get fired?