Why the HECK do I have Acne at the age of 38 and WHY is it getting worse? I want a natural acne cure but nothing seems to be working.
For about 6-7 years now I have been taking foods in and out of my nutrition to try and find out what is causing my acne and also what is causing it to get worse each year.
I took out dairy
I stopped eating gluten
I cut out most treats and sweets
I cut out my Shakeology, my Energize, my Recover shake, my power greens
One thing at a time I would take out and it wouldn’t improve so I would add them back in knowing that it wasn’t the cause. In my line of work I am constantly on video speaking and traveling to speak at events across the country. This was hurting my confidence and I would put on some of my wife’s coverup to cover the bright redness on my cheeks and around my nose.
I finally got sick of it in mid 2018 and went to a doctor and was prescribed Minocycline. Within a couple of days my face was clear for the first time EVER in my life. It felt AMAZING. I stayed on the pills and the acne stayed away. Then at one point Gabby said that since it was gone I should stop taking the pills ( she doesn’t believe much in taking and sort of medications) Within a DAY off the Minocycline the acne/rashes started to come back so I went back on the pills.
I was on them for about 6 months and without connecting the dots I started to have intense joint pain everywhere. It started in my hands, then into my forearms, and into my collarbone. I literally thought, “This is what it feels to get old”. We visit an amazing Naturopath in Idaho Falls Gary Orchard who gives us chiropractic adjustments and I mentioned to him about the pain I was having. His first question was what medication are you on? I told him and with some tests we found out that the Minocycline had damaged my liver and that if we could get my liver healed he told me that my acne would be gone.
I went off the medication that day and went on a plant based whole foods meal plan ( my own choice), starting drinking 120 ounces of water a day, and using an full range infrared sauna and chromo light therapy daily. Within about a week my acne was gone, in about 3-4 weeks all of my joint pain was gone and I felt 20 years younger again. If you have watched our stories on IG over the past year you’ll see that i follow a plant based meal plan for my nutrition except that about 9 months ago I decided that I would add back in red meat but only about 2 times a week and STRICTLY animals that I harvest hunting myself ( deer and elk). It’s been a year since I have had any sort of meat that is store bought or in a restaurant.
I share this story with you to help you understand the importance of good nutrition not just to have a six pack and look good in your swimsuit but for your inner health which effects everything else in your life and shows up on the OUTSIDE. This was my natural acne cure, it may not be the exact solution for you but I’m pretty sure that experimenting with your nutrition will help set you on the right path.