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What is a Mentor? Why should I have one?

What is a Mentor?

I want to answer for you today a question I had as I began my journey as a Beachbody Coach.   What is a mentor?  This is something I really didn’t understand when I first heard it but as I have grown as a coach and a leader I have been able to identify he mentors in my life.   My Father and Grandfather were great mentors.  By their example I have learned what discipline and hard work are.  I have learned what it means to be genuine and to give myself in service to others. “If you are going to d something, do it right the first time.”  That is something I will always remember as I grow in life.  The reason it sticks to me though is not because they told me that or that I heard it over and over.  It sticks because they lived that.  A real mentor lives what he/she teaches or says.  I believe that it is important to have a mentor in your life to help guide you.  We all need somebody that has been where we want to go and that can show and tell us how to get there or how they did it.   As I became a Beachbody Coach I began to seek these people that had been where I was and that could show me by example how to get where I wanted to be.  Lindsay Matway is my Beachbody Coach and mentor but I also sought others along the way.

Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be

 I want to share with you a few things that I have loved that have been shared by mentors of mine.

“As children we have no limits, we are given the ability to dream endlessly.  There is nothing we cannot do.  The world seems large but it is our dreams that shrink it and make it available to us.  We have no boundries when it comes to seeing our future as exciting, wonderful, and full of chances.   As we grow up and begin to face the challenges of life we begin to shrink our dreams.  We begin to limit not only what we can accomplish, but who we are.  We no longer feel as if we are limitless, infallible, unable to be stopped.  The world becomes so large a place that we fear.  A place which seems to control us.  The fear stops us from dreaming any longer.  We accept our fate.  Average becomes acceptable.  We find ourselves in a large, dark forest with no way out.  Someone comes into our life, deep in that dark forest and reaches out a hand and gently walks beside us, pointing out the beauty of the forest.  You soon begin to understand this journey.  Darkness only exist when you are alone, without a vision, burdened by the past, unable to forgive those that have hurt you, and those who have stolen your dreams, and limited you and crushed the child in you.  But now, we are faced with a choice.  Do we stay in the darkness or do we choose the light?  The gentle hand guides you, comforts you, walks with you and you now believe again.  Like a child you are free from the past and dreams once again become easy, accomplishable.  Those dreams shelved in the attic of your life burdened with cob webs quietly awaiting your arrival are visited by you again.  You now know that your life is like a circular staircase, each turn forces a decision.  Move forward or retreat, there is no ability to remain where you are.   It’s those dreams that give us life, hope, vision, and without those dreams we perish.   Dreams give us freedom, freedom to see ourselves as a child again, unburdened by life, the masterpiece of creation.  It’s in this place where dreams transport us, that we are free.” – Craig


“You can permanently and safely lose more than 100 pounds in just 9 to 10 months. You can cut body fat by 50% in less then 90 days. You can drop a pant size in one month. You can lose 5 pounds this WEEK. You can change the way you feel and increase energy in just 3 days. Your mental disposition greatly impacts your success. Instead of focusing on how far away you feel, focus your attention on how close you are to your very short term measurable goals. Your closer then you think! Set some goals for the next 3 days, 5 days, 1 week.  Sometimes it feels like we will never hit our mark. So instead of asking, “Are we there yet?” continue to tell yourself your closer then you think. YOU CAN DO IT!” – Chalene Johnson


“Your income with Beachbody will be a direct reflection of the number of lives you can change.”

Lindsay Matway


What is a Mentor?

 I hope I have been able to shed some insight on what a mentor is so that you may find the guidance in your life that you need.   If you want to be a great parent, find great parents and learn from them.  If you want to have an amazing health transformation, find somebody who has done it and learn from them.  If you want to be great with finances, find somebody who is great with that and learn from them.  We have mentors all around us.  I promise you that if you find these mentors and challenge yourself, you can drastically change your life and where you are headed.  Decide what you want and then commit.  Find people that will lift you up and not bring you down.  If you want to grow a Team Beachbody Business I am here for you.  I have started with nothing and grown an amazing 6 figure income.  I only say this to get this point across, if I can do it. You can to.

If you are willing to work as HARD as you can for 1 year without worrying about money, you will never have to worry about money again.

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