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Get a Beachbody T-Shirt and a chance to be the daily $500 PRIZE winner

Get a Beachbody T-Shirt

This is not just a transformation Thursday picture and not just a blog post to share with you how to get a Beachbody T-Shirt.  I want to give a HUGE warm welcome to our team of coaches to Elizabeth McKenna!  She teaches music and loves Beachbody workouts and programs.

She is in LOVE with how Shakeology makes her feel. One thing that I feel I need to share with everyone is that she did her program and wanted to get a Beachbody T-shirt that you get for starting and completing a program and then submitting her results. She ended up winning $1000 in the Beachbody Challenge and thought it was a scam when she heard that she won.

Nope. This is what happens. Beachbody gives out $500 EVERY single day and then has monthly, quarterly, and a Gran Prize winner each year.  If you have results with one of the Beachbody programs make sure that you go HERE to enter the contest, get a Beachbody t-shirt, and your chance to earn $500 as a daily prize winner.   You can ALSO join our team and share your results to inspire others and Beachbody will pay you 25% on every referral of a program OR nutritional supplement.  Learn how to join

Welcome to the TEAM Elizabeth! Get-beachbody-t-shirt, earn beachbody t-shirt