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P90X Transformation Story- How P90X Changed my Life

P90X Transformation Story

It was late one night and I was sitting at home looking back at the past few years of my life wondering how I could have gained so much weight considering I was an athletic kid growing up, always active, and couldn’t sit still for 5 minutes even if my life depended on it. I soon realized I had become over weight, unhealthy, and had lost confidence in myself and everything I did I thought I was being judged because of my weight. It’s not easy being called fat boy when I was the one who use to call people fat boy and would make fun of them. I soon realized that the tables had turned and they were against me like it was karma. I soon became very desperate and did what anyone in the right mind would do, start going to the gym and dieting.

The story begins with me sitting at home thinking what have I done to gain over 60 plus pounds without even noticing till it was to late. That night I pretty much cried myself to sleep and the next morning I woke up and the first thing I did was go straight to the gym to sign up for a membership. The sales rep was very gracious and caring and said that he would do everything he could to help me lose weight and the first step to doing so was to sign up for personal trainer to lose weight effectively. So as desperate as I was without even thinking I signed up for X amount of sessions with a personal trainer and so my journey began. I was really getting the results I was hoping for so I switched personal trainers and still wasn’t feeling I was getting my moneys worth, so the personal trainer manager said he would take me as his client and made sure I’d get the results I wanted. After a few weeks of training and getting to know my p/t he would tell me after work he’d go to the bar and drink and his diet wasn’t all that good either. So it hit me like an apple from a tree, how could someone help me get a 6 pack when he himself doesn’t even have a 6 pack other than the one in his cooler. Right?! Eventually I had used up all my sessions and still I was overweight and even more stressed out than I started off with cause I was down a huge chunk of money which went to a complete waste.


results may vary

P90X Transformation Story

That night I was out with a friend and I had told him my whole experience with the personal trainer and he suggested I try P90X.  So that night I went home and did some research and found out that P90X just might work out for me. I realized I had nothing to lose since I’ve already dumped so much money into this whole fitness thing so what more was another $300.00 for the DVD set, weights and pull up bar. So my journey began again now with Tony Horton as my Trainer. I didn’t realize until a month and a half in that I was actually starting to see real results and my jeans were starting to feel kind of loose and I was confident with myself and was really proud with the results I was getting. Soon I had some personal issues so I had to stop P90X for a couple weeks and was really disappointed in myself so I started P90X again from day 1. Since that day I completed all 90 days and was amazed at what it had done for me because in less than half a year I had lost over 60 pounds and got to throw out all my old clothes and shop for new ones. Let me tell you it was an awesome feeling trying on new jeans and new shirts that weren’t size L and XL but the only problem now was that it was hard to find size M cause they’d be all sold out by the time I showed up at the mall.

All I can say is thanks to Tony Horton for getting me back into shape and I highly recommend you try his videos out. Give him a chance and you will be blown away at what he can offer but just as long as you commit to pressing that play button everyday and following the nutrition guide and in 3 months time you will be a new you. If I can do it, you can do it all you got to do is believe in yourself and never never give up!”

-James Chow

If you need help starting your own P90X Transformation story I would love to help you. MAKE ME YOUR FREE COACH and CONTACT ME or click the banner to get your workouts and Shakeology and I will see the order come through and contact you.