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Start Team Beachbody

Start Team Beachbody

Erika Kamezaki

Just a week ago I did a Team Call/Training for our family of Team Beachbody Coaches and talked about who should be a Team Beachbody Coach and how to build a team or family of coaches starting today.  It wasn’t but a few days after that, that I saw the results of my friend Erika who started her journey with Team Beachbody with a Challenge Pack without even knowing any of the details of what it involved.  So many people think that to be a coach you have to be ALL IN.  We all are on different parts of our journey and her journey started as what I like to call a VIP member with Team Beachbody.  It means that you are signed up as a coach but really in the beginning it’s just for the 25% discount and being able to surround yourself with positive and uplifting people.  When you get engaged in this surrounding and begin to see results, then it’s MUCH easier to go out and share your results with others and start to build a business of your own.

Start Team Beachbody


results may vary

“Around this time last year, I was working nights, and taking care of my son during the day. He is two now, and has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Being a single mom, taking care of him, and the stress that comes with a new diagnosis like that, my health was the LAST thing on my mind.

I knew the foods I was eating weren’t healthy, but getting meals at the drive thru, or in the prepared foods section on my way to and from work, was the easiest thing for me to do. I was tired, sluggish, and uncomfortable in my still-gaining body. I weighed more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant. When the nurse had to double check my weight with me at a physical, I knew it was time to do something. If I was surprising medical professionals with my weight gain, something was wrong.

My coworker was doing weight watchers so I signed on. I quickly realized that I was continuing these bad habits, just in smaller portions. I was searching fast and easy weight loss on Youtube when I happened upon someone’s weight loss transformation video. I sent her a message, and changed my life.

I know it sounds corny, but it’s true. She got me signed up with a challenge pack which gave me the best deal on a workout program and Shakeology. I didn’t do any research, I just jumped. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I was introduced to an amazing group of women who were all going through the same things that I was. I had this incredible accountability and judgment-free place to go when I was struggling, or dealing with a situation where I’d normally resort back to my unhealthy ways. I signed up as a coach within a few weeks. I started to read personal development books and saw a change more incredible than the physical ones. I HAD to share this with everyone

I have lost about 45 pounds since I started my journey. But in place, I’ve gained lifelong friends, self love, confidence, energy, happiness, joy, you NAME it. I am a part of one of the most supportive communities of women (and men). I continue to coach, because there are SO many people out there who don’t know what they’re missing. It’s more than the workouts and the Shakeology. It’s more than the weight loss. It’s about TRANSFORMATIONS. I am the BEST version of myself. I am healthier than I have ever been. Both physically and emotionally. I have come alive through this journey. I am a better mom, a better friend, a better daughter, a better girlfriend, a better coach when I work on myself first. I wouldn’t give this feeling up for anything. I’ll always have stretchmarks. Some from my son, and some from my unhealthy lifestyle. I have sagging and loose skin. But I LOVE IT. It’s just proof of how far I’ve come.

And though this has been a journey full of ups and downs, both emotional and in pounds, it has TRUELY made me grow. People who have known me since before I’ve started say they see a difference. Not only in my size, but the joy I radiate.”