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Best Beachbody Coach Advice

Best Beachbody Coach Advice

Gina Hunter- Well-Fit-Life


I want to share some of the Best Beachbody Coach Advice I can offer you.  I have been a coach for over 3 1/2 years now and have been able to be a part of thousands of health and fitness transformations through what I do as a Team Beachbody Coach.  It’s become my life purpose and mission to help people realize that its not only important that you set goals in life but its necessary that you grow into the person that God has sent you here to be.  Gina and Funtaine Hunter are the founders of Well-Fit-Life and are the fastest team of coaches in our team to achieve 2 Star Diamond.  They knew from Day 1 that they would make this their full-time job and only started just this year in early 2014.  To follow in our lead and what they are doing the best Beachbody Coach advice I can give you right now is to genuinely commit to what you want and then stay disciplined in the daily activity.  Fall in LOVE with the process of helping people.

The 3 Vital Behaviors of a Successful Team Beachbody Coach are:

1. Be proof the products work

2. Read personal Development

3. INVITE, INVITE, and INVITE some more

I want to share with you below what Gina Hunter shared on their Facebook LIKE PAGE early today so that you can be inspired and see what a Top Beachbody Coach does.  If you have goals and dreams as a coach, find somebody that has done what you want to do and emulate what they do.


results may vary

“I am extremely excited and NERVOUS to share these because it is stepping wayyyyy out of my comfort zone for obvious reasons, but I am extremely proud of my results using Beachbody Programs after the birth of our 4th baby Little Miss Paris!

For those who don’t know, I began my fitness journey at the exact same time I decided to become a Beachbody Coach, in late March early April of 2014. I had just given birth to our 4th baby, and was weighing in at 150lbs (post delivery) I was on average 25-30lbs heavier than my norm.

To make a long story short, I did a full 24 weeks of Focus T25 with Shaun T, consistently drank my Shakeology, planned my meals and kept them all as clean as possible (with cheat meals and indulgences in there of course!)

I fell in love with T25!!!

I finally shed all of my baby weight (and a few other parts too unfortunately lol) so I decided I wanted to take things to the next level, so both my husband and I decided to dive into Body Beast with Sagi Kalev!

This is by far one of my new favorite Beachbody programs!!! Love love love it!

Taking it to today, here are my results. First photo is April 2014. Second photo is November 2014.

Yes, I had an augmentation 3 weeks ago, if it hasn’t already been made obvious. Breastfeeding 4 children and consistent pregnancy, followed by weight loss has decreased my upper chest tissue by more than 80%. I am super happy with my decision!

I want to share these to show others that with patience, dedication, commitment and hard work YOU TOO can be well on your way to achieving your Health and Fitness goals.

If you are ready, but don’t know where to start and need a Coach message me and I would love to help! You are also welcome to email me too at

If you set your mind to it, anything is possible! I DID THIS FROM HOME!!!”

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Click to LEARN how to become a Coach!