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Brazil Butt Lift Results

Brazil Butt Lift Results

Want to see some amazing Brazil Butt Lift Results?  For Jasmine Brazil Butt Lift was only the beginning of her transformation story.  What I love about Jasmine more than just the 25lbs she lost is the fact that when she quit before, that was not he end of her story.  She got right back up and started again.  She realized she was not 100% committed.  She found her coach and got the extra support that she needed to make the change in her life.  Her Brazil Butt Lift results are amazing but I am looking forward to seeing what she looks like and feels like after completing her Chalene Extreme/Turbofire Hyrbid.

“I started at 160 lbs Summer 2011. I did 2 weeks of P90X.  No coach or anything. I first borrowed the discs from a friend.  I quit but I did loose 10 lbs. But, of course I gained 5 of those back. June 2, 2012 was when I went all in with transformation. My best friend was posting on FB and I made her my coach. I was 155 pounds. I started with the 2 day fast and lost 7 lbs. Then I began BBL and lost another 11 lbs in 35 days. I was down to 137.  I am currently on week 10 of 20 of Chalene Extreme/Turbofire Hybrid.  I have lost another 7 lbs and am at 130.  I have lost about 21 inches total.  I have MUSCLES!!

results may vary

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