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P90X Equipment You Will Need

P90X Equipment You Will Need

There are ALOT of different options you can use for equipment on your P90X Transformation.  I will make a short and easy list to help guide you and teach you what you will need to pick up prior to your workout.  I will have you note that not all P90X equipment is necessary because there are modification moves for every workout  in P90X.

        • Pull-Up Bar – You will need a pullup bar.  This is a must.
        •  You will be able to use either free weights or resistance bands.  Both will be effective and the P90X dvds will show you how to use either the bands or the free weights for each move.  Here are two different types of bands I recommend- Full Set-Resistance Bands 0r B-Line Bands Kit.  If you choose to go with free weights keep in mind that they cost about $1 per lbs.  For this reason I recommend POWER BLOCKS.
        • Yoga Gear – Make sure to pick up a Yoga Mat and some Yoga Blocks.