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Start Them Young



Involve your kids in activities that will help them learn to live a healthy lifestyle!  Start them young!   Don’t you all remember the days of summer when we would be outside from sunrise until sunset playing soccer, basketball, wiffle ball, hide and seek, kick the can, water fights, bike races, rollerblading, kick ball and out exploring!?

 It seems that now-a-days all kids want to do is sit at home and watch tv and play video games.  Introduce them to activities that will help them to stay active and healthy. Nothing makes me more happy then to see my girls filling up their plastic dumbells with water and setting them up in front of the tv for a workout.  We also bought a kids yoga dvd and they love to lay their blankies out and follow along!

It’s up to us to help END THE TREND OF OBESITY!   We can start within the walls of our own families 🙂  START THEM YOUNG!