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July 2011 - Page 6 of 6 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
Grilled Chicken Shish Kabob!

Grilled Chicken Shish Kabob!

It’s summertime, a time of picnics and bbq’s.  I have found a way to have a healthy and extremely tasty alternative to the greasy hamburgers and the hot dogs that make us wonder what they are made of every time – Chicken Shish Kabobs! This is what we...

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad by: Tanya Fruth serves 4 Ingredients: 1 cup dry quinoa 2 cups water 2 cups sliced grape tomatoes 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped 1/2 cup sliced kalamata olives 3/4 cup feta cheese 1 1/2 T extra virgin olive oil 1/2 lemon, juiced 1 tsp dry...


Jack3d Jack3d is the pre-supplement product that I have been using and I find that it lasts for well over 30 workouts and the price is reasonably low.  Make sure that you are not taking it too late in the evening or  you will find yourself wide-eyed in bed wishing for...