Beachbody Challenge Groups
6 Steps to running good Beachbody Challenge groups
Here are 6 tips that can help you know hot to run better Beachbody Challenge groups with the My Challenge Tracker app. At the bottom of the page you will see a video tutorial where I show you how to set up the App and run/manage it from the Portal.
1) GO ALL IN. You have to just do it. I don’t know how some of you guys are able to balance doing part of your group in the app and then part of it on FB. That seems like so much extra work to me personally, I would be a nut job LOL!! I get it because people are used to FB, but if you keep letting them join FB accountability groups, your engagement in the tracker will never improve…Just bite the bullet and go all in!!
2) SET EXPECTATIONS BEFORE THE GROUP. I started doing Challenger GSR( Getting started right) calls and I let them know straight up that if they want to best results with their program, they need to plug into the support and accountability on the group. I tell them that my challengers who ROCK IT and get amazing transformations are almost ALWAYS the ones who are also very plugged into the group, responding to posts, checking in and tracking. And DOY they all want to have great results right?? SO I think its important to set the expectation in advance!!
3) GET CREATIVE WITH YOUR POSTS. I try really hard to make posts in my groups that I would have needed as a new challenger…things like “how to eat clean on a budget”, “how to overcome cravings,” “how to get back on track after a slip up”, things like that that I KNOW they all struggle with! So if you are still doing things like “post your sweaty selfie” or whatever, get more creative with it!! I also do morning motivation every AM and then one of my coaches is our “mini challenge guru” — she will pop in twice a week and run little mini challenges for prizes to keep them on their toes and to spice it up a little!! Also a great way to empower your leaders!
4) USE THE BB MEAL PREP GUIDES. Holy CRAP! – can I give an AMEN to whoever is in charge of the meal prep guides on the BB blog?? Those things are MONEY!!! PLEASE keep them coming LOL!! Every Friday I post the links to each calorie bracket so they can EASILY access that and plan their meals for the week ahead!! They LOVE LOVE LOVE these meal prep guides, USE THEM!!! FIND THE GUIDES HERE
5) CONNECT BOTH IN AND OUTSIDE THE GROUP. I make it a point to kind of blow up my challengers LOL. I send them emails outside the group probably 2-3 times a week (I just send MASS email via google streak so it literally takes me no time) just to check in, let them know I’m here, remind them to be active in the group, etc. I feel like the more connected and plugged in they are to me, the more they show up in the group!!!
6) HAVE A KICK OFF CALL AND GO THROUGH THE CHALLENGE TRACKER APP WITH THEM. This has been such a helpful step – on Zoom you can share your screen to your iphone (sorry androids I have no clue how to share screen on that LOL), so on our Challenger GSR Call or group kick off call, I walk them through everything on the app – including how to sort the group feed so they can EASILY keep up with my daily posts!! (I know how much the newsfeed can fill up with ppls workouts and Shakeology!) I show them where the files are, where the notifications are (and show them that I will pop in from time to time and message them through the app so I try and tell them to check their notifications once a day!!), where they track, all that!! And of course, the whole time I explain how freaking amazing the app is just to get them MORE excited to plug in!!