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Beachbody Coach Success Story- Mindy Rose

Beachbody Coach Success Story

Mindy and Chris Rose

 I want to take a few minutes to share this Beachbody Coach success story from Mindy and Chris Rose.  They are both originally from Idaho Falls and went to High School with us.  They now live in Las Vegas Nevada and I enjoying a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.  We are super proud of you guys.

As a wife, one of the hardest things is to see your husband work, and work and see that load of stress taking a toll on him. Our first 4 years of marriage was working full time making minimum wage, and going to school full time and as much as I hate to admit it, making it by with the help of the government. I am beyond blessed to have a husband that would do whatever it takes to let me stay home with the kids..which meant him being gone day and night and going to school to help make a brighter future. We were incredibly blessed with family hand me downs for the kids, and hand me down furniture and going without new clothes, hair cuts, house decor, etc. Chris was doing everything he could all the while, struggling desperately with his anxiety/depression. I felt helpless. I was at home, sick with pregnancy after pregnancy and just trying to keep everyone happy ..I always ached to be able to do something MORE. I wanted that pit in my stomach gone! 

We’ve been BROKE! I know that stress, and that fear that comes from not knowing what the future holds. I’ve always dreamed of having financial freedom. The freedom from stress, and worry, and saying, “I’m sorry, we can’t come visit family, we can’t afford it.” The freedom to put our kids in activities that will build their talents, the freedom to get therapy when needed, and the freedom of TIME. Where time is ours to be still, and be with family, and serve and allow our lives to be used for a greater purpose than checking a time card. I know we are blessed, but I also know that we have so much ahead and are meant to do so much more. I’m grateful that I get to be home with my 3 adorable children, and fulfill all my roles, and spend time each day as a coach, where I’m able to help people change their lives. These things bring fulfillment to my life, and I’m able to help secure our future. I can’t believe that this is a “job” because I look forward to it, I cry that being allowed to be a part of people’s lives in this way has allowed me to get one step closer to that financial freedom and be debt free. Last week I made enough to pay our mortgage…in 1 week. Never in a million years did I think that something I love so much can also bring about this blessing. I started as a coach 10 months ago, thinking that I was just trying to lose weight, get healthy and get a grip on my depression. There was no way anyone would be inspired enough by ME, to join along for the ride. But I’ve been blessed with the BEST TEAM that has grown and is paying it forward. 

Beachbody Coach Success Story


That’s all we do as coaches..we pay it forward. We fight this trend of obesity, and we bring HOPE of a better life. I desperately needed a change. I needed to be happy with myself when I looked in the mirror. 10 months later I can say that I am. I can say that I have something to offer to this world and I will fight for our dreams. I’ll fight my insecurities for that freedom from mental illness for those I love, and I’ll fight for freedom of TIME with my family, and for SECURITY and not being scared of the future. The past year has changed our lives and for once I look forward to the future and the freedom it holds for me as well as my team. 

This post is not intended to brag, but to offer hope.
I invite you to look at where you want to be in the future. If you are feeling stuck, if you need to take control of your life – I’m here telling you that there is hope. That there is a solution that helps improve your life, mentally, physically and financially. Taking care of myself and sharing that with others from the comfort of my home is a dream come true. Would that make a difference in your life? If so, message me and I would love to share WHAT I do and HOW I can help you do it.
