Anything WORTH having takes hard work and enduring to the end. Every Thursday we make the time to go out to lunch. It’s our “Thursdate”
Here are 5 tips to help you build a stronger relationship with your spouse.
1. Express appreciation.
Sometimes all one needs to feel loved are words of affirmation. Thank your spouse for the responsibilities they fulfill in order to make your home peaceful, provide financially for the family, or keep your relationship strong. When he or she does something sweet just for you, don’t forget to express gratitude.
2. Call just to check in and share your love.
It is as simple as it sounds. A quick “I love you” on your spouse’s lunch break could make all the difference in his or her day, and could also make the difference in your upcoming time together.
3. Make time just for the two of you.
Set aside technology when you are together. Explore new hobbies that neither of you have tried. Plan regular dates on which you can talk and reconnect. Dating while married is a great way to refresh your relationship.
4. Choose not to nag.
Would you want somebody to nag to you?
5. Pray daily for your partner.
Whether you are praying alone or with your spouse, ask for his or her protection, success, and happiness. Pray to know what you could do to strengthen your relationship. When you selflessly ask Heavenly Father how you can serve your companion, He will help you recognize opportunities to do so.
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