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Business as a Partner with BODi |

I wanted to be a pro baseball player and steal bases like Ricky Henderson. I worked and played hard. I had the opportunity to play Little League World Series and won 1st place in a base stealing competition. We went on to win championships into my teen years with Babe Ruth.

When I tried out for High School baseball the first time as a Sophomore I didn’t make it. Call it politics or maybe I just didn’t perform well, I quit playing. I do regret that but I believe it compelled me to become more driven as I reflect back.

I became obsessed with mastering things and would spend 5, 6, 7 hours drawing, playing guitar, and skating.

I was fiercely determined to improve, and not only because I enjoyed these things but I was so driven to show someone, anyone, that I was capable of anything. I didn’t care what it was.

When I fell in love with health and fitness after losing 38 lbs and getting abs for the first time with 90 days of P90X, I became obsessed.

When I started my business as a partner with BODi I became obsessed and that same will came out from my teenage years.

I’ll show anybody and everybody that I’m capable of doing whatever I set my mind to.

So here’s a huge thank you to the coach who put my name up on the board as making the team in High School, handed out jerseys, and then left me without one and embarrassed as I had to ask where it was and be told , “oh.. that was a mistake. You’re not on the team.”

My friends, the moral of the story is this. I have regrets of quitting and not trying out the next year but when you get that intrinsic drive to show yourself and others what you’re capable of, there’s nothing that can stop you. With time, effort, skill, and grit you can accomplish anything!

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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