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Motivation Archives - Page 2 of 166 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
5 Things to Turn your life around

5 Things to Turn your life around

Things might be feeling “off” for you in life, at work, in your relationships, or in your business. I’ve been there and have to constantly be aware of how I’m feeling and my habits so that I can make shifts and adjustments. I’ll share with you 5 Things to Turn...
The problem is you

The problem is you

The problem is you.. the good thing is that means you’re also the solution. That’s been the biggest shift over the past few months which has created a major shift in our team and business growth. Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ve tried everything and I just didn’t...
Feel like a million dollars

Feel like a million dollars

You don’t need a million dollars to feel like a million dollars. Imagine you are worried about all the things you don’t have, and it’s causing you to be selfish and have a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset. I want to help you flip that focus on serving...
Frustrated with your Business

Frustrated with your Business

If you’re feeling frustrated with your business it might be because you are out of alignment with your integrity, values, and vision.  I’ve been there. A few years ago I had everything I’ve ever dreamed of having. We led a top 10 team, had our first ever 7 figure...
I have a Dream

I have a Dream

Where the vision started… I have a dream. 13 years ago I sat at my kitchen table and put together my first vision board. As I put pictures together on my board, I envisioned a life where we didn’t struggle with money, the girls had a dad who was always there, we took...
Easy Residual Income

Easy Residual Income

You might have heard “online influencers” portray the story of easy residual income without having to work. My hope is that you’ve never thought that from me.  My daily IG stories may show a lot of play, being present at kids games, and fun adventure, HOWEVER I work 5...