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Chia Seeds - What is in Shakeology?

Here are 10 healthy benefits that you can find from the Chia Seeds that are found in Shakeology, “Healthiest Meal of the Day”.

1 ounce  of Chia uses 2.8% of the calories in a 2000 calorie diet. The full daily servings only add up to 139 calories and 1 ounce of Chia Seeds has a Glycemic Index of 1.

The tiny black seed in your diet they contain omega 3 fatty acids, essential fats your body does not make but needs to function properly. The last reason is it is a raw food, which means you do not have to cook it.

Chia Seeds fill you up – When they come in contact with water, pudding, juice, yogurt etc. they grow to 9x their size and they slow down the absorbtion of carbs to control the appetite.

Gluten free Chia Seeds are very good for a Raw Food Diet because they are high in protein, calcium, omega 3 and 6 and don’t need to be cooked. Unlike Flax Seed, you do not have to grind up Chia Seeds when you make a smoothie.

Chia Seeds are great for workouts. Prior to a run or athletic event which you need to hydrate,  Chia Seeds in a bottle of water will help you hydrate. They will also help with protein to do the event without cramping up.  Chia is good for the digestive system because it is a hydrophillic colloid.

Chia Seeds are high in Omega 3 – 1 oz of Chia Seeds has 4915 mg of Omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids are loaded with protein which is great for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Chia Seeds are high in calcium and naturally have Boron in them which tranfers the calcium into your bones.

Chia Seeds are good for a Diabetic – 1 oz of Chia Seeds has a Glycemic Index of 1. Chia seed supplies fiber in 2 forms: insoluble (won’t dissolve in water) from its outer coat and soluble fiber (will dissolve in water) from its inner shell. Soluble fiber has been found helpful in lowering cholesterol and diabetes.

Chia Seeds are high in fiber and help digestion.

Chia Seeds are good for your Thyroid – They are known to help deal with thyroid medication symptoms like lack of energy, dry
skin and hair, thyroid weight problems, and colon issues.

Chia Seeds are good for lowering cholesterol – Chia seed supplies fiber in 2 forms: insoluble (won’t dissolve in water) from its outer coat and soluble fiber (will dissolve in water) from its inner shell. Soluble fiber has been found helpful in lowering cholesterol and diabetes. Also the omega 3 and 6 has been shown to help.