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Control Emotions- Quick Activity to Self-Mastery

Control Emotions


Iv’e been thinking a ton lately about the ability to take control of your life by learning to master yourself and to control emotions. I think to a couple of people who I have had the chance to play a small part in their life as a mentor and each one that has a breakthrough has the ability to put their thoughts into words. The first people that come to my mind are Brigitte Linford (watch her video about Morning Papers), Jennifer Greenberg, and Heather Colledge. It’s called SELF-AWARENESS. It’s when you catch yourself and what your mind is saying. There are actually studies down on the brain that show when you can put feelings into words you diminish the power of negative emotions, improving your well-being and enhancing your decision making skills. There are a couple of ways to do this.master-emotions

1.) Write down your feelings in a journal OR talk to a trusted co-worker about the helplessness you are feeling.

2.) Once you can master being self-aware the next step is to identify which aspects of your situation that you have control over and which you don’t.


What I want you to do is to write down your STRESSES, DAILY CHALLENGES, and your GOALS. 

Separate them into two categories. Those that you have control over and those that you don’t have control over. 

The point of this exercise is for you to pull apart the stresses that you have and let them go because you have NO control over them and they are out of your hands. Next, to identify the areas where your efforts will have a REAL impact, giving you the thing that you need to focus your energy on accordingly. 

My challenge to YOU in whatever field you are in is to identify one small goal that you know that you can quickly accomplish. When you can narrow down your actions, you are able to focus your energy and efforts. When you do this, the likelihood of your success will increase. As you do this, you will re-learn that your actions have a DIRECT effect on your outcomes and that we truly are the master of our own destiny or fate.