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Discipline |

You might be thinking, “If I can just motivate people, that will be the key to helping them succeed.”

“If I can just get them moving in the right direction, they will be successful!”

You may be doing one on one calls with them, giving rewards, connecting them with team trainings, inspiring them with YOUR hard work, and giving them a community but often that motivation doesn’t seem to last very long.

I believe in motivation. I believe that everybody needs a little encouragement in life. I believe it’s powerful to inspire somebody. But hear this:

One of my mentors John C Maxwell shared, “Here’s the truth when it comes to personal growth: motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.”

It doesn’t matter how naturally talented you are. It doesn’t matter who your sponsor or mentor is or how many opportunities you have. If you want to grow, consistency is key.

I’ve read over 496 personal development and leadership books.

I’ve gone to seminars and trainings with some of the top personal development leaders in the world.

My first year coaching, I listened to “Think and Grow Rich”, “Millionaire Next Door”, and “The Slight Edge” over 60 times each on my little MP3 player Nokia phone at my 12 hour job in the Steel Factory.

Sure I was “motivated” and “inspired” by reading the books, and seeing other people achieve success.

But when you see us today or other people that you may be inspired by, it’s because of consistency in personal growth and development.

This is your message to Start now.

If you’ve read personal development, share some of your favorites in the comments below for others!


I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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