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Doing What You Love |

I am constantly amazed by how many people I meet who are not happy with what they are doing for a living.

Why do people stick with a job that they do not love?

I get that it’s important to make sure that your bills are paid. And I also understand we’ve all done jobs that we didn’t love.

I moved pipe when I was 13. I worked in a steel factory and came home dirty every day. I didn’t like those jobs, but I didn’t stay there my whole life doing something that was unfulfilling.

Abraham Kaplan said, “If, as Socrates said, The unexamined life is not worth living, so the unlived life is worth examining” if you are not enjoying what you do for a living, you need to take some time to examine why.

Is it a risk making a change from what you’re currently doing to what you want to do?

Yes, of course.

You might fail. You might find out that you didn’t like it as much as you expected. You might not make as much money.

But isn’t there also a great risk in staying where you are if you are miserable?

It’s possible you fail. You might get fired. You might take a pay cut. But the worst of it is, you might come to the end of your life with regret for never having reached your potential or doing what you love.

Which risk would you rather live with?

The thing I love about coaching is this. There’s no certain benchmarks you have to hit. You don’t have to leave your job and you have the opportunity to use your spare time to better your life and help improve the lives of other people. And the cool part is this, the company, BODi is willing to pay you 25% commissions for helping people on their journey.

So my friend if you’ve been watching, I challenge you to give it a shot. You’ll have an incredible team and support system, you’ll improve your health, and you’ll have the ability to earn some extra income to help pay off those bills.

I’m waiting for your message.

Doing What You Love

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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