“I think I would be a great coach and I like to help and motivate people but it’s not for me because I’m not leaving my full-time job.”
This is a comment I get often times so I want to help CLARIFY for you what it means to be a coach and share an example of my friend and new coach Kyle Antle who has earned $1,141.47 in the first 4 months of his journey as a coach on our team.
A coach is somebody who either LOVES fitness or is on their own jounrey of health and well being. A coach is somebody who wants to bring other people on this journey with them. A coach is somebody who wants to set goals and provide a better financial situation for their family and also help others know how to do that.
I have a FULL belief that ANY family will benefit INCREDIBLY by having workouts for the whole family to do at home. I believe that ANY family will benefit from evenan extra $500 a month to alleviate the bills and costs of living. I believe that anybody that joins our team and is willing to learn and grow can make that happen.
Kyle Antle is an LDS husband and father, He is a ISSA Personal Trainer, He is an ISSA Nutrition Specialist, he works full-time and is also a full-time student for PT. I love when he said,
“Heck, it’s only $160, let’s give this a shot. So far this has been the best $160 I have spent. I got off to a slow start, but as soon as I strted to immerse myself into this awesome community, I realized that I basically got to continue to do what I loved doing as a personal Trainer and I just got paid to do it from home . I get to workout, and help others, and the company pays you.”
I want YOU my friend to stop what you are doing and write down some goals. What would $500 extra a month do for you? Would you pay off school debt? Pay for kids dance classes and music lessons? Take your spouse on a trip? Step back from the extra overtime?
I’m not looking for Influencers or business builders. I am looking for GOOD people who love to help and support others all while growing into the person they know they were meant to be.
Our next Coach Apprenticeship starts on October 14th and I am taking on just 7 new coaches. If you are this person, send me a message my friend.
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity.
Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent
Coach Earnings located at http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.