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Free Fitness Coaching with Scottie Hobbs

Free Fitness Coaching!

Q: How do I make you my  coach and get free fitness coaching?

A: If you don’t have a coach yet, just click on this link! This will sign you up with the free Beachbody membership and I will be immediately assigned your coach!  You will then receive a welcome email from me and we will go from there .

Q: How do you benefit from being my coach?

A: The way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission off of any Beachbody products that you would purchase, whether it be a program, supplement, or equipment. It helps compensate me for the time I spend helping you out and answering your questions! You can purchase all Beachbody products from my website under Programs and Supplements.

Q: I already have a coach, but would like to be coached by you. Can I switch coaches?

A: Yes, you can make the coach switch, and here is how to do so: you simply have to send a one line email to [email protected] telling them that you want Scott Hobbs(Coach ID 155224) at [email protected] to be your coach. Make sure to include your FULL NAME and email address and to copy me on the email so I can follow up.

Q: Why should I make you my coach and get the free fitness coaching?

A: Helping people change their own lives is my passion.  We have an amazing support group on Facebook that will also help keep you accountable with your goals!  You can find us here at the Staying Fit Family.