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Grow An Amazing Team |

What do you see when you look at this photo of the Top 10 panel on one of our reward cruises with BODi?

I see one man.

Next question:

Do you say must not work for women, it looks female dominated.


Do you say. I see HUGE opportunity to grow the men market?

I’m the latter.

Honestly for the past 12 years I have LOVED this lame excuse of “it’s a female dominated company”

It’s given me a HUGE advantage to grow an amazing team and dominate as we have grown The Level Up Squad.

But now. I’m on a new mission.

We’re going to grow the men’s market and build strong male leadership.

I don’t share this often but under my sponsor. The top 3 highest earning partners are MALE.

Our next two diamond leaders are going to be MEN.

In the next 5 years you’ll see way more elite men leaders and you’ll see some of them in the top 10.

You men are driven, goal oriented, love a challenge, and are looking for way way to be able to be a more present father and husband and you’re going to build that life with this team.

Grow An Amazing Team

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

If you want to join our team and help build this SUPERSTAR Team you can JOIN with this LINK and then I will text you once you have officially joined.

If you have QUESTIONS first please APPLY with the FORM HERE and then I will reach out to you.