Guiding Principles
I wasn’t going to post anything about this today because I don’t need an “atta boy.”( you’ll see why at end of post)😃 For the most part in this life we need guiding principles to help us be the most effective in our work.
But as you have seen over the past 3 weeks with my MRI, blood pressure medication, and then finding a solution with meditation and letting some things in my life “go”, I decided it would be good to share only to help others. To help others think about and prioritize their lives and help you also know that you don’t need somebody’s approval about what you do in your life and with your time ❤️
You see, this past weekend there is a large team retreat hosted by one of our top leaders in our company and we are usually there to support and develop leaders as well as meet the new members of the team. So you could say that we are “supposed” to be there, but the opposite in this case is true.
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻our family night setting up Christmas tree later today
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻Kina, Mila, and Ellie’s parent teacher conference Thursday
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻Kina’s Brown belt test in ATA Friday.
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻 Our church Christmas party Friday night.
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻 Kina and Mila’s singing performance yesterday
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻 The baptism of my friends daughter yesterday.
We’re SUPPOSED to be at:
👉🏻 Our church meetings today
I was at that retreat and/or a big training event for 4 years in a row and COMPLETELY missed my daughters annual huge Christmas show and my daughters belt test.
I’m so grateful for an amazing wife who helps keep me focused and growing and also grateful for an incredible team of coaches leading each other at the event this year.