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How do I get a Beachbody trainer to my city |

How do I get a Beachbody trainer to my city



This past weekend we were able to gather 600 amazing Beachbody coaches and guests into an Event Center in East Idaho.  You have to understand that we only have 60,000 people in our city.  Our Facebook has been blowing up with photos and videos of the event and our friends expressing how this event has forever changed their lives.  I have been getting emails, messages, and comments on the pictures asking Sagi Kalev to come to their town so I figured I would use this opportunity to share with you the answer on “How do I get a Beachbody trainer to my city”.  This is something that has to be set up by YOU as a Beachbody coach.  The process is pretty simple but it takes some time to ensure that the Celebrity Beachbody trainer is available to make the days work with their busy schedule.  If you go into your coach online office you can go to events tab and find a form to “REQUEST CELEBRITY TRAINER”. You then have to share with them where your location will be, what it’s called, the dates you want, and be willing to sign the contract and pay the fee of $7500 for the trainer to come to your city.  Sagi has become one of my best friends over the past few years so we chatted about how we envisioned this event being and then I had to go through the application process to get the Beachbody trainer to my city.  Once we got the contract signed I worked together with our East Idaho Market Council along with the Utah Market council to put together the details and promote the event.






This event was by far one of my favorite events ever.  We had 8 amazing speakers talking about how to overcome the past stories we have told ourselves about who we are and how to become the person that god intends for us to be.  The event was recorded and so when all of the video is put together and sent over I would love to share the speeches with you on my Youtube channel.  I will also put them into this blog post.  I ENVISIONED this BIG group workout but if I was to gather 600 people in ONE ROOM I wanted to make sure that I brought the best people that I know to share their hearts and passion with everyone in order to help make sure that they leave a changed person.   These were the speakers and the topics that were shared with us.

  • Micah Folsom “Going After your Dreams”
  • Jennifer Greenberg  “Can I add Value to Others”
  • Shawn Bourguignon “No Excuses”
  • Doug Moss “Where is Beachbody GOING?”
  • Brigitte Linford ” Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs”
  • Barbie Kalev “Being a Heart-Led Leader”
  • Scottie Hobbs “What does Success Look like?”
  • Sagi Kalev “Stand in your Power”
  • Personal_development-speakers_million_dollar-Earners
  • IMG_8745
  • IMG_8749
  • IMG_8750
  • IMG_8757
  • IMG_8786

I want to shout out people that came from all the way across the country as well as shout out all of our local team and coaches for putting tremendous effort into decoration and setting up registration so that everything went smoothly and so that everyone had a great experience.  As I shared in the video above.  This is ONLY the beginning.  This video below was right after we finished our Live Hammer and Chisel workout with Sagi Kalev.



How would a Coach request a Celebrity Trainer for an event?
What is the benefit for a Coach to request a Celebrity Trainer for an event?
As an independent Beachbody Coach, make the most out of every event by contracting Beachbody’s Celebrity Trainers for your local fitness and business-building events, and having your event announced in the Coach Online Office.
How does a Coach request a Celebrity Trainer for an event?
1) Fill out the Celebrity Trainer Spokesperson Event Request Form ( YOU CAN EMAIL THE ADDRESS BELOW TO ASK FOR THE FORM AS WELL!)
2) Email form to
3) Allow 3 business day for request to be acknowledged and 2 weeks for availability

*In order for us to consider your request, we require the completion and submission of the Trainer Event Request Form.
Only one Trainer/Spokesperson name may be submitted per request form. No requests may be made for dates coinciding with Corporate Super Saturday weekends.

**Trainers will participate based on their availability and approval from the Trainer Relations Department at Beachbody.

Celebrity Trainer Options:
Tony Horton
Chalene Johnson
Autumn Calabrese
Sagi Kalev
Joel Freeman
Jericho McMatthews
Leandro Carvalho
Darin Olien
Who can submit a Trainer Event Request? Any Coach may submit a Trainer Event Request. The Coach requesting the event will
be financially responsible for all associated costs.
Can a Coach contact a Celebrity Trainer directly? Coaches may not contact Celebrity Trainers directly to solicit their participation in an event.
How far in advance of the Event does the Coach need to submit the Event Request Form? The Event Request Form should be submitted at least 3 months prior to the event.
Where do completed request forms get sent? Please send completed Coach Event Request forms to Please include “Event Request” in the subject line. Requests addressed to any other person will not be considered.

When do requests get reviewed? All requests will be reviewed by a Trainer Relations Representative on the 15th of every month.
What notification will be sent after the request is reviewed? A Trainer Relations Representative will contact the requesting Coach following the review.
What happens after the request is approved? For requests that have been approved and a Trainer has confirmed availability, an Agreement will be sent to the requesting Coach for signatures, confirming the event and Trainer appearance. The Agreement will be signed by Corporate and returned to the Coach for their records.

What is the rate upon signing the Agreement? A flat rate of $7,500 must be paid in full upon signing the Agreement. Events that donnot require a flight will be responsible for a flat rate of $3,500.
What are the method of payments available? The payment from the Coach to Beachbody for the event is to be made via check.
What is the recommended method to send the check payment? We recommend that payment via check be sent either through certified mail, FedEx, or UPS, so that it may be tracked.

Are Coaches responsible for making the travel arrangements for the celebrity? All travel arrangements will be booked by the Trainer.
Will Beachbody have Corport presence at the event? Beachbody will not be providing a corporate “concierge” to assist the Trainers.
What is expected of the Coach who booked the Trainers? Coaches who book Trainers will be expected to host and support the Trainers as needed during the event.
How many Event Request forms can be submitted? Please email only one Coach Event Request form per event.
Can the Event Request be submitted via fax or telephone? Please note that we do not accept requests submitted via fax or telephone.
Can an Event Request form be submitted for an event outside of the United States? At this time, Beachbody is unable to fulfill requests for events that occur outside of the United States.
Are there any unavailable weekends to submit for a Coach Requested Event? Super Saturday Weekends are not available for Coach requested events.