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Bulking using P90X


Bulking using P90X

6:00- Shakeology ( blended with 2 scoops of Peanut Butter)

8:00- Russian Bear 5000 with 1% milk <— View Post

9:30  P90X Peak Performance Bar, Can of Tuna, Yogurt

11:00- Chicken Breast, fresh vegetables, piece of fruit, yogurt

1:00- Shakeology, Peanut Butter sandwich on whole wheat bread

2:30- Peanut Butter Granola Bar, piece of fruit,  2 hard boiled eggs

4:00 ¾ cup of Oatmeal with scoop of brown sugar

5:00 Strength/Muscle Mens Formula

5:15 P90X Workout

6:30- Results and Recovery Drink , protein such as (Chicken,
fish, tuna, or lean steak) with fresh vegetables and fruit

6:30 P90X Peak Performance Bar and Russian Bear 5000 with 1% Milk

In my bulking stage I went from 154lbs to 180 lbs and during
this time I was consuming at least 180 grams of protein throughout the
day.  I was eating A LOT but it was clean

As far as working out I was on the P90X Classic Schedule

I ordered a weighted vest off of Ebay.  You can see the exact one I used by clicking HERE.  I love this
vest but it is a little big so if you are a little bit smaller framed it might
be a little loose on you.    I am 5’11 180 in the final bulking picture.

I ordered 90lbs adjustable dumbbells so that I could hit low reps on workouts such as the rows and the shoulder presses.  I made sure to wear the vest on all days that involved complete body weight excersises.  These included Chest and Back, Plyometrics, and Legs and Back.  Due to the bulking stage it was necessary for me to lower my cardio.  What I did was I swapped out my Saturday workout (KenpoX) for chest press excercises with a excersise ball and my dumbbells.

I made sure to pick a weight where I was only able to do between 5-8 reps with clean form.  “If you can do 8 add weight!”

Make me your free coach buy clicking HERE                                                         Buy P90X