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How to Dream Big - Beachbody Coach Success

How to Dream Big

Have you, like most everybody else in this world forgotten how to dream big?  As children we had enormous dreams and ambitions and knew exactly what we wanted to do with our lives.  Then, almost like clock-work our dreams are smashed or belittled and we are told that it’s impossible or to “come back to reality”.  I want to share with you guys a little on learning to dream big and the impact you can have not just on yourself but on others around you as well.  I want to start off with teaching you how to dream big by sharing an excerpt from the book “Put Your Dream to the Test” by John C Maxwell.

“What you need is a vision that is SO BIG that it is compelling, not only to others but to YOU.  If it’s not compelling, you won’t have the motivation to stay the course, and you won’t be able to recruit others to help you.  Both vision and strategy are important, but there is a priority to them.  Vision always comes first. Always.  If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy.  If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy wills save you.  I have seen this over and over again in my professional life and personal life. Mike Hyatt from John C Maxwell’s book Put your Dream to the Test.

When I began as a Team Beachbody coach I didn’t really understand what it meant to Dream Big.  I thought making an extra $10,000 a year would be HUGE and give me the opportunity to bring my wife home from work.  We were in one of those cycles that you THINK you will get out of but you get sucked further and further in.  As I began to surround myself with people who were setting goals and hitting them, it made me continuously say…. “WHY NOT ME?”  How_to_dream_big

We set small goals and over the course of the months began to hit them.  As we did this the belief in ourselves and our vision for our life began to grow and to blossom.  We would reach out to other successful business people and Successful coaches to see what they were doing.  As we saw them accomplish BIGGER things our vision became bigger for our family and for the coaches on our team.  If I told you right now the vision for our lives many would laugh and say …… good luck with that. You know what the cool thing is?  Those comments drive me and inspire me to prove to others and most importantly to myself that I can set a goal and achieve it.  Like the quote above…. MOST times I have NO IDEA how it is going to happen but I create the vision so vividly in my mind that I can feel it and touch it. Then God brings the people and the actions steps into our lives to help us fulfill our vision.

What is the thing you remember most as a child?  For me it was camping and staying at my aunts little cabin as a kid.  We would spend 10 days ever summer up there and then whatever weekends we could find. We were blessed that she would allow us to stay there for free.  I remember riding motor bikes on the dirt roads, evening drives with the family looking for animals, floating the river, fishing in Henry’s Lake with my Dad and Grandpa, roasting marsh mellows in the fire pit, and playing Atari with the family.  These are the moments I cherish most and remember clearly.



river float

I always wanted a place like that to create lasting memories for my kids, parents, and future generations. I want this as a place to reward our coaches for accomplishing their goals.  I also know my Dad has always had a dream of having a cabin on the lake that we love to fish at.  I think about my aunts cabin and how it was from her husbands family and how MY LIFE’S favorite memories were created there.  I want to create a LEGEND and provide for our future generations a place of memories.  I want this place to feel like it is my Mom and Dad’s as well.  I want a place I can go to for relaxing and visualizing our dreams and goals.  I want to create a LEGACY.

I want you guys to be INSPIRED.  The offer we made for this cabin has been accepted and we are excited to dream bigger and to help you create a vision for your life.  Know that YOU can DREAM BIG and with discipline, passion, and consistency you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.  I owe this all to Team Beachbody and the leaders who have gone before and blazed the trail.  I share generously ANY tips and advice that I can on our blog and Youtube channel because I want YOU to succeed.

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