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What motivates you to set goals in weight loss and fitness?  Is it a friend, a image in your head of what you want to look like, or the desire to feel healthier?
I have 3 things or people that got me started and motivated to start in May of 2010.  
#1 My wife had lost about 20 lbs and was excersising everyday.
#2 We bought tickets for another cruise and I decided that was a motivation since we would be hitting the beaches.
#3 My friend Colby Knight

With these motivational factors in my mind I set forth and set some goals.
I hit one of my two lifting goals during this past Labor Day weekend !!!!! On Saturday I hit my bench press goal and surpassed it by 5 lbs. I had attempted this 2 weeks earlier and ended up not being able to push the bar up even a inch.  It feels awesome to achieve things you have been striving for. Yesterday I attemped to hit my goal of 30 pullups at once and fell short by 6.  This only means I have to push myself harder and set new goals.  “If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals.”