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Living A Life I Dreamed Of

So excited to share the news!

In exactly 2 months, I’ll be heading to my 12th annual BODi Summit…..and I was asked to present and speak in the SPANISH event on one of my favorite topics. How to maximize the compensation plan . It’s a huge honor to be invited to speak and help our BODi Partners grow a substantial income and a scalable business!

Me…the guy who dropped out of college.

I was a 29 year-old new dad just trying to figure out how to pay bills when I became a partner 12 years ago.

I struggled after the birth of our 3rd daughter trying to figure out how to pay the hospital bills.

I had fear of what people would think, but my fear of not knowing how to provide for my family was greater than my fear that I could possibly fail.

But I did what I do best…I got to work and stayed consistent.

I started my coaching business because I knew I was passionate about health/fitness and helping people get results. I also saw so many others before me living a life I wanted to live. So I said, “Why not me?”

And here I am, 12 years later with the best team ever, The Level Up Squad and living a life I dreamed of but didn’t think was possible.

I’m beyond honored and excited! And I can’t wait to see my team and love on them at this epic event with all of my friends

Living A Life I Dreamed Of

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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If you have QUESTIONS first please APPLY with the FORM HERE and then I will reach out to you.