Male Beachbody Teams
(We are a MALE LED Team with 1/2 women and 1/2 men)
That look you give when when daddy says you get to drive the girls to the bus stop since it’s rainy 🚌
But seriously.
Just 6 years ago this month on this day April 11th of 2011 we had our backs against the wall. Gabby had come home from the hospital 18 days before this day with our third child Elina. My hours were cut back at my full-time job and she was home on non-paid maternity leave. I had finished P90X THREE TIMES and knew about becoming a Coach 8 months previous. I was scared of the thought but what scared me most was not being able to provide for my family. 😱
I told my coach Lindsay that I needed to make about $10,000💰
💰 in a year with Beachbody because I NEEDED to bring my wife home from work ( We never saw each other but on Sundays) Lindsay told me. ” I can’t promise you $10,000 but your income will be a direct reflection of the number of lives that you change”
I decided in that moment that I would do WHATEVER it took to make that happen⭐️
I bought and sold xbox 360’s and Wii’s on Craigslist and re-sold them for $20-$30 profit to get my money to sign up as a coach. I went all in. I put all my cards on the table and became an official Coach. We had no smart phones, we had no cable( we still don’t cause its a waste of good time), and we had no Internet. I did see that the two former Top Coaches were both male Beachbody teams.
⚠️I had all the excuses in the world why this wouldn’t work for me.
I was in a cubicle 12 hours a day and then watching my three kids at night. We are from a small town and I was very quiet in person. I signed up from my neighbors house and did my coach training from his computer. I did my Getting Started Right Call from his house as well. 🚫
🚫(so I don’t accept excuses)
I believe in myself and knew that the only thing that could hold me back would be my own self-doubts. We started helping people whether they bought a product from us or not. Just 5 years ago in April of 2012 my wife was able to leave her job and be a stay-at-home mom. I followed 2 months later and left my full-time job in June of 2012 to be a full-time Beachbody coach. ❤
❤I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to be present in my family’s life EVERY SINGLE MOMENT
Like this moment dancing to Music in the car with Malik.
I know my daughters will grow up knowing what it is to have a good man which will help them make better choices as the grow older. That is something I will fight to represent every day❤
No amount of money could make up for that type of fatherhood and family setting and as I’m learning from Gabby. Success is in the HOME❤
I don’t need shiny things. What I need is to feel significant in Gods eyes and for my family❤
I finally feel that what I do really matters.
Thank you to everyone who has believed in us and has taken the steps to live healthier lifestyles. We are in this for the long haul and I wake up EXCITED every single day to help others with their goals of living a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.
If your out there and have missed TOO much of their little lives 👨👨👧👦 write me a message and let’s talk. I’m looking for good people who aren’t afraid of doing a little HARD work for rewards you can’t put a price on
**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found at http://