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Million Dollar Body Contest Entry

My Million Dollar Body Contest Entry!!

It was May of 2010, I was not the father and husband I knew that I should be.   I was going to work and sitting at my desk from 5:00am until 5:00pm.  I drank 2-3 Monster and Rockstar energy drinks per day to get my caffeine fix and to stay awake.  When I got home from work, I would sit on the couch and watch television, always too tired and worn out to play with the kids.  One day as I was lying on the couch watching a movie I could hear my wife in the other room working her butt off to Tony Horton’s Power Half Hour.  I walked in to see the sweat pouring off of her.  I thought, maybe I can do this.  I went back into the living room and plopped myself back on the couch.  A half hour later she came out of the room and started running up and down the stairs in our living room.  This is the moment I decided to commit to P90X.   I  knew my brother-in-law had lost about 100 lbs with it, so I knew it worked.  I wanted something INTENSE.  I bought the program and started on May 20th, 2010.  This day has changed my life forever.  It’s an anniversary of my new life and a leaving of my old one behind.  This day is also my parent’s anniversary so it’s a very important day to me!
    I have a binder with my P90X worksheets and I love to look back and see the progress I have made over the past year.  One time after posting my month 4 and month 5 pictures a friend told me, “Looks like you have reached you max potential.”  This drove me to push harder.  I bought heavier weights and a weighted vest and pushed myself to the max every day!  I was able to guide my dad and wife up the Middle Teton in Wyoming, which averages 1000 vertical feet ascent per mile.  This was a 17 mile trip we did in one day!
    I now am known by my family and friends as one of the most positive people they have ever met.  P90X gave me life.  I have never found anything more stress relieving then sweating it out to Plyometrics and calming the mind and stretching the muscles with Yoga.   I am a better dad; I love to get out and run with my girls in the jogging stroller and take them on walks and hikes.  My daughters love to lay their blankets out and workout with me.  I know this will help them learn to live a healthier life as they continue to grow and watch our example!   The TV hardly ever gets turned on except to “push play”.  It is amazing how many people have followed my example and started their own personal fitness journey.  I have started a free Fit Club in my city where we sweat it out to P90X and other Beachbody workouts!  I love setting an example of living a healthier life!
     I have never felt better about life in general and I know it is because I decided to commit and succeed.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.  If you set goals and check up with your progress you will accomplish great things.  “Do more than expected and get better than expected results.”  I am a happy man!