Mom Pooch
I grew up with Lacey Howard Potter and when she tagged me on Facebook just a couple days ago and I read her story about the 80 day test group that we had finished a couple weeks ago I was moved knowing that YOU may relate with what she shared. She talks about having the goal of having shredded abs and the disintegration of her mom pooch and how that actually DID NOT happen during these past 80 days.
I finished my 80 Day Obsession program a week and a half ago. I’ve been putting off posting these results.
But why? Really it’s because I didn’t make the progress I wanted to. I didn’t have some crazy, miraculous transformation. I wanted to see some freakishly ripped abs and the complete disintegration into non-existence of my mom pooch. And maybe it could have happened, but I lack some self control. I got lazy and didn’t meal-plan well enough some weeks. I had pizza at family gatherings. Don’t even get me started on the Easter candy binges.
I’m human, I error, and I love all that crap food!
I actually hate that meme that says, “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels,” because that’s utter rubbish to me. Of COURSE there are things that taste better (and tempt me more) than that! Maple donuts? Molten chocolate lava cake? Cinnamon rolls? Salted caramel cheesecake? And pizza. Always pizza.
However my well-being is worth a little moderation, so while I do generally avoid going crazy with sweets or carbs, I still indulge. And I refuse to think of exercise as punishment for that enjoyment. I exercise for my health and I love the accomplishment I feel after a great workout. Certainly I want to feel great in my clothes. I just don’t want to start associating the REASONS I exercise with the food I consume because, even though diet and exercise go hand in hand, and I do believe you CANNOT outwork a poor diet, my mentality needs to be about eating good foods to fuel my workout, not working off the dirty calories I had.
I totally fell in love with 80 Day Obsession as a program. Having a new workout each day, changing the sequencing each week, really made it fun and challenging. Timing my nutrition around my workouts made all the difference in the energy I could sustain, both during and after. This program stretched me physically, emotionally, and mentally.
I’m ready for another round of personal growth! I’m going to start another round of 80 Day Obsession on May 7!
Are you ready to join me? Have you been following my journey and you’re interested in more information? Comment below or message me! There is still time to make a change before swimsuit season hits.
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