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Moments That Are The Most Rewarding |

I want to help you earn your next vacation.🏖️

I know you’re wondering what I mean by that, but because I am on my way to my 15th earned trip from being a BODI partner, I think it’s important to talk about what this means for you…

You will see a lot of leaders post on social media about how proud they are and grateful to earn an incentive trip through helping others and performing well in their business.

For me, it isn’t about the excitement of earning the trip for myself. The excitement truly comes from seeing women like you earn a trip.

The Moms who haven’t been on a trip with their husband, without the kids, in over 10 years.

The women who have never traveled outside of their home country.

The woman who craves to feel the sand between her toes at the beach.

Those are the moments that are the most rewarding. I love to travel so much and I already know I am in such a great place to be able to go to new destinations and favorites… but nothing truly compares to being able to help you earn the trip alongside me. Then doing a toast poolside with a margarita to your success!! That gets me SO HAPPY!! 🥂

These trips are meant to give you time to relax and reconnect, but also to recognize the fact that you are doing the work most aren’t willing to do – to put others before yourself and help people live their version of a healthy fulfilling life.

If you could travel anywhere on an incentive trip, where would you love to go?

Moments That Are The Most Rewarding
Moments That Are The Most Rewarding
Moments That Are The Most Rewarding

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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