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New Levels Of Productivity |

How can my youngest daughter be in Junior High?

We struggled this morning getting out of bed for cheer practice but we made it on time.

I was thinking after I dropped her off about energy levels and how to help you take your life to the next level and had some thoughts about that little device you always have in your hand called a cell phone.

At least once a day and probably more you are concerned about plugging it in and charging the battery. You want to plug that phone in and charge it.

My wish for you is this. I want you to be as intentional about “plugging in” personally as you are about plugging in your phone and laptop. When you do this, you’ll see new levels of productivity and satisfaction in your life.

John C Maxwell says, “When you are fully charged, you get more done. You have better interactions. Your mind is sharp, and your body is strong. On days when you are fully charged, you experience high levels of engagement and well-being. This charge carries forward, creating an upward cycle for those you care about.”

There are three areas or conditions that are required for you to experience a full charge in your day.

1. Meaning : doing some thing that benefits another person.

2. Interactions: creating far more positive than negative moments..

3. Energy: making choices that improve your mental and physical health.

If you want to level up your life, it’s going to be vital that you create habits to help you “plug in” and charge yourself daily.

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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