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Positive Self Talk |

Don’t wait for somebody else to tell you you’re doing a good job. You need to learn to be your own best encourager. When you do a good job at something, give yourself a compliment. Every time you choose discipline over indulgence, don’t tell yourself that you should have anyway, recognize how much you’re helping yourself. Every time that you make a mistake, don’t bring up everything that’s wrong with yourself; tell yourself that you are paying the price for growth and that you’ll learn to do better next time.

Positive self talk will take you far in life.

“If we want to change our lives, we have to change the way we think of ourselves. If we want to change the way we think of ourselves, we need to change the ways we talk to ourselves. And the older we are, the more responsible we are for how we think, talk, and believe.

Don’t you already have enough problems in life already?

Why add to them by discouraging yourself every day with negative self talk?” – John C Maxwell

Positive Self Talk

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